The $1k Client Challenge
Get More Clients Challenge
Welcome to the FOCUS Method!

Hi, I'm Laurie Mallon.
I started my online health and fitness coaching business back in 2015.
What I quickly found out was that it was NOT as easy to start an online business as so many other coaches were making it look on social media!
I struggled A LOT to get my first clients!
After a lot of trial and error, I signed up my first round of paying clients, which gave me the confidence and momentum I needed to keep my business going!
To my surprise, it was a super simple and straightforward Facebook post in my local neighborhood group that brought in my first 8 clients for a 6-week fitness bootcamp.
That was the push (and cash!) I needed to get my business up and running!
As my business grew and I wanted to try out different offers and markets, I figured out that I just had to follow a specific set of steps to bring in new clients, and that became my signature 5-step F.O.C.U.S. Method.
I have shared my F.O.C.U.S Method with a number of online health and fitness coaches that were also struggling to get clients.
This 5-step F.O.C.U.S Method is a great way to get your first clients. It's also handy if you've been in a slump and just need a quick cash injection in your business, or you want to test a new program without a big, fancy launch!
The F.O.C.U.S Method is designed to help you gain confidence, clarity, and cash.
You'll be able to take the revenue, results, and testimonials you generate using the F.O.C.U.S Method to get client referrals, increase your visibility, and create the social proof you need to bring in future clients.
If you've tried other ways to get clients and feel like you've been spinning your wheels, I'm excited for you to use this tested method to build the confidence and momentum you need to create the sustainable and profitable business that you want!
Let's dig in!
Check out our FOCUS Method success stories...
I interviewed NWC board Certified Master Health Coach Annette Smotherman as she shared her success using the FOCUS Method.
She went from spinning her wheels using methods that just weren’t working for her to getting 4 new clients that had great results and gave her the traction she needed to grow her business.
She went from spinning her wheels using methods that just weren’t working for her to getting 4 new clients that had great results and gave her the traction she needed to grow her business.

"[The FOCUS Method] was a nice, laid out, step-by-step plan that I was able to follow."
Certified personal trainer, Heather Nasella, talks about how her experience following the FOCUS Method gave her business a boost and brought in 9 new clients right before the holidays!

Heather's story shows that doing simple (but often uncomfortable) things —like asking your personal network for referrals —can pay off!
Heather's method of using personalized messaging, and a season-specific offer brought in the clients she needed to keep her business running.
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